
Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application that allows you to perform various calculations and data analysis tasks. One common task is to use formulas to perform calculations on data in different cells. However, there are times when you may want to ignore a formula if a cell is blank. In this article, I have explained how to not calculate (Ignore formula) if cell is blank in Excel in an easily understandable way.

Why You Should Ignore Formulas for Blank Cells

Dealing with blank cells in your Excel spreadsheet is a common scenario. Whether you’re tracking sales, analyzing survey responses, or maintaining a database, you often encounter situations where not every cell contains data. When these blank cells are included in your calculations, it can give you errors or skewed results. By ignoring formulas for blank cells, you can ensure the accuracy and reliability of your Excel data.

How to not calculate (ignore formula) if cell is blank in Excel

There are two main ways to do this in Excel:

#1 using the IF function

#2 Use the ISBLANK function.

Ignore a formula if a cell is blank using the IF function

The IF function allows you to perform a logical test and return a different value depending on the outcome of the test. To use the IF function to ignore a formula if a cell is blank, you can use the following syntax:

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)


  • logical_test is the logical test that you want to perform. In this case, the logical test would be to check if the cell is blank.
  • value_if_true is the value which you want to return if the logical test is true. In this case, you would want to return an empty text string (“”).
  • value_if_false is the value that you want to return if the logical test is false. In this case, you would want to return the formula that you want to ignore if the cell is blank.

For example, the following formula would ignore the formula in cell B2 if cell B2 is blank:


If cell B2 is blank, the formula will return an empty text string. Otherwise, the formula will return the number of days since cell B2.

Ignore a formula if a cell is blank using the ISBLANK function

The ISBLANK function returns TRUE if the specified cell is blank and FALSE otherwise. To use the ISBLANK function to ignore a formula if a cell is blank, you can use the following syntax:

=IF(ISBLANK(cell_reference), "", formula)


  • cell_reference is the reference to the cell that you want to check for emptiness.
  • formula is the formula that you want to ignore if the cell is blank.

For example, the following formula would ignore the formula in cell B2 if cell B2 is blank:

=IF(ISBLANK(B2), "", (TODAY()-B2)/365.25)

This formula is equivalent to the formula using the IF function above.

Which method should you use?

Both the IF function and the ISBLANK function can ignore a formula if a cell is blank. However, there is one important difference between the two methods.

The IF function will return TRUE if the cell is empty or if the cell contains an empty text string. The ISBLANK function will only return TRUE if the cell is empty.

This means that if you need to ignore a formula if the cell is empty or if the cell contains an empty text string, then you should use the IF function. If you only need to ignore a formula if the cell is empty, then you can use the ISBLANK function.


Ignoring a formula if a cell is blank can be a useful way to prevent errors and to keep your spreadsheets organized. By using either the IF function or the ISBLANK function, you can easily control when your formulas are calculated.


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